Whether public or private sector, every organization looks to maximize the return on its project investments. Resource and budget limitations place a premium on making the right decisions on which projects to include in the capital plan. Oracle’s Primavera Capital Planning gives planners and project execution personnel a common platform for the collaborative management of project portfolios to ensure the most – efficient use of capital funds.

From Ideas to Approved Portfolio

Primavera Unifier’s Web -based platform fosters and controls the collection of project requests from across the organization. You can use preconfigured project attributes or configure your own forms. All prospective projects are available for inclusion in portfolio scenarios for comparison and ultimate selection for approval. Project  information is displayed in an intuitive grid format for easy manipulation of large volumes of data.  With Primavera Capital Planning, you can create multi year plans with information from ongoing projects rolling into subsequent period portfolios. In addition, you can manage multiple types of portfolios with different project types, with roll – up reporting across the entire organization.

Detailed Cash Flow Forecasting

Primavera Unifier’s best-in-class cash flow  forecasting engine provides an unparalleled ability to manage both top-down and bottom-up planned, actual, and forecasted costs. You can choose the overall duration and granularity of the capital portfolio and then set target budgets per period. Adding and removing prospective projects to the portfolio allows direct comparison to the target amounts per cash flow period.  Planners can define planned cash flow as a top-down budget that can optionally be viewed by the project execution team once projects are underway. Similarly, actuals and forecast updates by the project teams are also visible by the planner in a comprehensive portfolio grid.

Linked Project Information

By linking portfolio projects to the actual projects in execution, planners have full visibility to all of the desired project attributes, including the project cash flow information. Projects can be individually linked or unlinked, allowing planners to capture alternate project information to be compared as baselines to the project already in execution.

Document Management

Primavera Capital Planning includes the robust Document Manager module, with the ability to store documentation at the overall organizational level or at any level of the hierarchy.Whether high-level basis-of-design documents or detailed specifications, all documentation utilizes tight permission controls to manage access across the enterprise and supply chain. Features include check-in and check-out, version control, and full text search for all Microsoft Office documents. Users can utilize Oracle’s AutoVue technology to view and mark up
hundreds of different file types without the need to install the native application.

Dashboards and Reporting

Manage capital planning at any level of the organization’s hierarchy, with each level utilizing Primavera Unifier’s standard dashboard module. All dashboards are individually configurable to be able to roll up desired information in graphical or tabular formats. Additionally, the Primavera Unifier User- Defined Reports module allows fully configurable reports during project execution.